Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reign Over Me.....In Review

"I was stuck in Charlie world, I couldn't leave" Alan Johnson

Ah where to begin. Sometimes I really like to rent a movie where I begin to watch it, not really knowing the background. I remember the hype about this one, "its really good, its deep, not a throw daisies at you kind of movie, Don Cheadle and Adam Sandler at their best" etc. I purposely didn't read the back cover before I sat down to press play. I remember the commercials for the movie before it was released, showing Adam and Don on some sort of stand-up scooter, riding through the city....

About 20 minutes into the movie it became clear to me that Adam's character was the one that had some deep-rooted issues, I wasn't clear on what they were. Then I learned, what I always say to my friends, sometimes the person who "obviously" has the issues, isn't the only one that has them. This friendship, between Charlie (Adam) and Alan (Don) is one where both gleaned support from each other as the movie unfolds and they begin to share their lives with each other, reconnecting. Alan finds himself beginning to enjoy life again in Charlie's child-like presence.

When Charlie eventually makes it across the threshold of a therapists office, I was reminded of something else I always say; therapy won't work if you don't talk about it. Whatever "it" is, you have to open your mouth, and let it out. It brings pain quite often, I think that's why people struggle in the telling of their story.

Liv Tyler plays Angela, the therapist. After several sessions of Charlie not allowing that story to come out, she says: "you need to tell someone your story. It doesn't have to be me, but someone" I thought it was brilliant that Charlie went to the waiting room where Alan was waiting for him, sat down, and did what? Started telling his story. Of course he did.

Friends can be great therapists at times, am I right? I hope my friends know that when they share their stories with me, it helps me just as much as it helps them, for me to listen and consider the options with them. Hear me friends?

I won't tie this up with a red bow for you in case you haven't seen it. I highly recommend this movie, if you haven't seen it, please. Do.

Tomorrow is Monday, protein breakfast is a must.
Until then,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cold winter days

Since you're visiting for breakfast, we now have two choices. We can either sit by the fire and get that movie marathon going, or we can organize my closet, AGAIN, for the 3rd time in two months. I know, its a tough decision.
I don't know what it is about these cold winter days that make me want to organize and throw stuff away, but the idea hits and I run with it every time, always asking the same questions; 'WHY do I still have this? WHY did I not throw this out the last time I organized?'
And the inevitable always happens, my hand brushes across a photo album. An hour later....
I think our "life" closet needs cleaning too sometimes. It's okay to keep the tri-sig jacket from college hanging in there, even though it hasnt been worn since then,it has memories attached to it. But, if your closet is like mine, I'm sure you have things you don't need, that you havent touched in months, thats taking up space without providing quality to the space.
Turn the light on and take a look in there....see anything that you can get rid of?
Its like a clean slate in a way, give it a go.

We really need to meet like this more often, blueberry muffins were delectable, thanks for bringing them friend.


Friday, January 29, 2010

My friday list form

<-------My namesake, who is not afraid of color.

One of my favorite bloggers, check her out at, does a "Top 10 Things she loves on this Friday" sometimes, and I always enjoy them.
I'll share my favorites with you today, because I know you're dying to know. Right? (I know, right? practicing that east coast accent). And that would be number one. Enjoying my own sense of humor. I've always enjoyed it. Especially when I make my best friends laugh until they can't breathe.
#2) I woke up to the sound of rolling thunder and rain hitting the window. The curtain was open just enough to let a sliver of light in, not bright light mind you, there's no sun today. Those small, whisper-quiet moments, are when true clarity comes for me. Whatever thoughts I have shoved way back into the recesses of my brain, come forth and make me think about them. And I love that. Even if some of them are hard to think about. *just sayin
#3)I love wearing pigtails, when one can have the luxury of working from home, one can do these things.
#4)I love that my laundry is almost done. Yet another luxury of working from home.
#5)The first text I received this morning was from my sister, with a picture of my niece, and namesake, Julia Christine, aka "Jewels" with pink sunglasses on and a little bit of sass showing through in her smile. Saying I love/adore her doesn't cover it. I'm taking that little love to Paris one day. *see her above
#6)Kind words. I am SO grateful everytime anyone takes even a few seconds to say kind words to me, or anyone for that matter. I have a bucketfull already and the day isn't over. "I'm a better person for knowing you" Does it get any kinder than that? I dont think so.
#7)Knowing that there are books on my shelf waiting for me to read them, LOVE.
#8)Tonight there will be a "Wolf Moon". I love the moon, I speak with it on occasion, we're tight.
#9)"Unassuming". I love this as a trait. When a man appears to not even notice how awesome he is. Pretty attractive quality in Tiffany's world.

and finally
#10) I love believing in tomorrow. No matter what, the promise of tomorrow brings all kinds of possibilities.

What do you love?


P.S. Coffee. It isn't just for breakfast anymore. =)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Review......Into the Wild - 2007

My friends are now beginning to roll their eyes when I bring this movie up because I won't stop until they watch it. I don't approach anyone that I think won't "get it" they way I did. I've seen it several times, and now want the soundtrack. I remember watching the previews before it was released thinking, "Magic Bus?! what kind of hippy hell is this?" *please note I have nothing against hippies. But it didnt grab me enough to run to the theatre to see it, I'm sure I was doing something really important at the time, like getting fresh highlights or working on that novel....*cough*. Fast forward to 2009. A good friend told me this was one of his favorite movies. Coming from him it was all I needed to hear,I rented it that weekend.
Can you say, oh my God. I got it. Immediately. I knew exactly what Chris McCandless believed in. This movie is based on a true story: After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness.
Sound insane? Well. Maybe it does. Am I going to empty my bank account and go attempt to live in the wild? No. I can't do that. I have responsibilities. Oh but the underlying message, I understand it.
I'm a lover of words, and movie quotes. This doesn't make me an expert, meaning, I can't quote every movie ever made. But if I loved the movie, and especially if I own it, I can quote from it all day long. Much to my friends chagrin mind you. My sisters (I have two) and I can hold an entire conversation in movie quotes. This scares people that have just come on to the scene of our family if they haven't been warned in advance. *consider yourself warned, and welcome to my family.
Into the Wild is fraught with quotes, if I used them for status updates in social media I would have material for months. From Chris paraphrasing Thoreau to using his own verbiage, they are endless. A few made me think oh man, you're hitting too close to home here dude.
"Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past." CM
If you fit inside that one, please give yourself a chance.
"I read somewhere... how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong... but to feel strong." CM
I loved that one. Even if you can't benchpress 200 pounds, feel strong. You can make this physical or mental or both even. Lance Armstrong says Livestrong, right?

I think Chris's quest began with the idea that he needed to get away from "society", he didn't need it, nor did he need people, or money, to make happiness for himself.
I know this because he said, "You don't need human relationships to be happy, God has placed it all around us."
Thats a novel idea and one I can buy into, partially. If we could just slow down a little and enjoy the small things, nature, that gorgeous blue sky, the smell of rain, ocean waves crashing on the shore. Those things don't cost anything.
"The freedom and simple beauty is too good to pass up..." CM See what I mean? I could write pages of things he says.

I don't want to ruin this movie experience for you in case you haven't seen the movie, so I'm trying to discuss without spilling the entire content, especially the ending.
But I will say, that Chris learns, "Happiness only real when shared." CM... I know that sentence is missing a word, "is" between happiness and only, but he penciled this in a notebook, I want to write it as he wrote it.

Alexander Supertramp, I hear you. And I get it.
Then let me know what you think.

Until next time,

P.S. Do you like yogurt? its on Tiffany's menu, for breakfast, just wondering....

**special mention, Eddie Vedder, responsible for most of the soundtrack

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Unable to locate

A happy medium. Politically speaking I mean. Before, during, and after President Obama's State of the Union address tonight, I watched social media's status updates swing from one extreme to the other. Examples of pure hatred for the man, all the way to utter adoration. I love that this is a free country, with freedom of speech and choice. I believe this is a democracy, right?
1.Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
2.A political or social unit that has such a government.
3.The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.
4.Majority rule.
5.The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

I especially like number 5, although I think respect for the individual within a community seems to go missing at times.
I tend to avoid political discussions in social media, especially in an arena where there is no "win", just a breeding ground for argument.

An old saying goes "When you're arguing with a fool, make sure he isn't doing the same thing".
I like to couple that with; "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

Because trust me, I would definitely excel in removing all doubt. I'm not a political genius by any means.
I just find myself wishing that people of all political parties could band together at some kind of common ground where we want the same thing, without the harsh backlash.

Ah well. I've been called a bleeding heart liberal before. *gasp*

That was your first glimpse into my political world. It's small, and we won't stay here long, so much more to talk about!

I think for breakfast tomorrow we'll have what you choose. Its a democracy after all, right?

Sweet dreams,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Broken Glass

A friend came to me today with: "I'm broken". In emotional pain over family issues. I know this friend well, so my response came to mind almost immediately.

Well, when we break, guess who is there to pick up the pieces of glass. Friends. The forever friends we're blessed with. Don't feel alone. Sometimes I feel like broken glass. But it's so SHINY. And imperfect. It even catches the sunlight in a dazzling way, our imperfections. They're what makes us unique.
Ask yourself what you want, and make a list of what's going on, and what you want fixed, and what you want to let go of. Then, on the "I want this fixed" list, decide how you can go about doing that. If you try, anything can happen. On the letting go list, extend your arm out in front of you, open your tight fisted grip on these things, palm up, let.them.go. If you don't, that hand won't have room for all of the good stuff that wants to land there, its too full of the stuff not worth holding on to.
After an apology of "I dont want to be a dark cloud" I felt compelled to say, 'you're never a dark cloud to me. I see your light even when you don't. Which is why we're friends for life'.

Do you have room to accept all of the good stuff that wants to come your way? Do some house cleaning, make room. It will blow you away.

Until next time,