Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Where did popcorn come from anyway?"

This is one of those random September Tuesdays where I'm wanting Fall temperatures, no, the REAL Fall temperatures, not 93 degrees with humidity, and..... I'm all over the place with thoughts about random things.

Like popcorn for instance.

I love popcorn. Fluffy white (I prefer white over yellow) kernels being popped over intense heat and then lightly seasoned with salt and butter. REAL butter, not the "I can't believe it's not".

"Where did popcorn come from anyway?" I said to myself. Out loud. When I work from home I tend to have entire conversations with myself.

So I googled it. Because google is a verb.

Our good friends at popcorn.org provide this:

Popcorn is scientifically known as Zea mays everta. It’s a type of maize, or corn, and is a member of the grass family. Popcorn is a whole grain and is made up of three components: the germ, endosperm, and pericarp (or hull). Of the 4 most common types of corn—sweet, dent (also known as field), flint (also known as Indian corn), and popcorn—only popcorn pops! Popcorn differs from other types of corn in that its hull has just the right thickness to allow it to burst open.

Each kernel of popcorn contains a small drop of water stored inside a circle of soft starch. Popcorn needs between 13.5-14% moisture to pop. The soft starch is surrounded by the kernel's hard outer surface.

As the kernel heats up, the water begins to expand. Around 212 degrees the water turns into steam and changes the starch inside each kernel into a superhot gelatinous goop. The kernel continues to heat to about 347 degrees. The pressure inside the grain will reach 135 pounds per square inch before finally bursting the hull open.

As it explodes, steam inside the kernel is released. The soft starch inside the popcorn becomes inflated and spills out, cooling immediately and forming into the odd shape we know and love. A kernel will swell 40-50 times its original size!

Now you know. You can carry forth in your journeys to favorite-snack-land, "in-the-know" about popcorn and what makes it "pop".

Aren't you glad you visit Tiffany's?

I must go now. I've got corn to pop, and I WILL use REAL butter. Okay, just a little. But still.

See you soon friend,

PS I could eat popcorn for breakfast, if only it wouldnt get stuck in my teeth so much. Sigh.

Friday, September 20, 2013


A good friend and I were talking outside at work today, about this beautiful rain we're getting in Dallas, and noticed that the car that had just driven past us had a sticker on the back that read: "New Driver On Board, please be patient"

We began discussing whether it would be a hindrance to have that sticker or would it make people more helpful and patient towards the driver of the car. I've seen road rage unfold, it's never pretty. I myself don't suffer from this and I'm glad, but I do understand how frustrating it can be when people are simply not paying attention when they're driving. Or sometimes they're just plain rude. Whatever the case, many accidents are avoidable, if we would all just slow down a little bit and be more aware of what's happening on the road.

I thought to myself, (and said out loud to my friend), "wouldn't it be cool to have life signs to wear like that, that came with either warnings or suggestions about ourselves?"

Mine might say things like this:

"I'm going to drive the speed limit, if this angers you please drive around me in a safe manner"

"I like bacon" because, you know. It might help someone to know this.

"Fall is my absolute favorite season of the year, I am at my happiest during this time"

"I do not like rude behavior, or jokes being told at someones expense that hurt their feelings, please do not ask me to participate in this sort of thing"

"The sound of Eddie Vedders voice calms me"

"I have trouble understanding people that won't allow others to finish what they're saying, before they begin talking"

I guess these are the "good-to-knows" about a person, those lists where we mentally check off what we can say about ourselves.

But really, what I wish for, is that we could all just ....be kind anyway. Without knowing what the person is going through in their life, because we all have our issues, just be courteous all of the time. Also, be more understanding. The person that cut you off in traffic this morning might have just learned that they have a life threatening illness, and they are not themselves right now. They could have lost a loved one, or a friend. Can we forgive them for the rude traffic gesture? Of course. I mean, it's possible.

I would.

The waitress that didn't bring you the food or drink that you ordered, fast enough for your liking, might be worried about how she is going to pay her bills this month. Can you be kind to her anyway?

I would.

I definitely think there is something to that whole "life is too short" thing. Spending energy on the things that really don't matter, robs us, and we are left with little energy for the things that do.

I'm choosing to be kind to everyone I meet this weekend. Whether it's in the grocery store, at the car wash, or some fabulous event that I might end up going to, I am going to be courteous to every single person. No matter what.

Join me!

See you soon friend,

PS I'm not kidding about the bacon. I do try to mostly avoid it, but the want is there, people!