Monday, June 27, 2011

You have been created as one of a kind....

"Do I make a difference?"
"When I move.....
when I act....
when I do something....

Does the Universe notice?"

Once again I've found a book that I opened, and fell in. I always loved that phrase, "books fall open, you fall in". One of my all time favorite illustrators, Mary Engelbreit, always puts her own whimsical touch with quotes.

This book, that in my opinion would almost be considered a coffee table book, is one that you can read in about thirty minutes. But I didn't just flip through it. I read every word, letting each one sink in. Andy Andrews had me with "The Noticer" and I discussed that here , and he's done it again with The Butterfly Effect.

I've heard about The Butterfly Effect before I read this book, but if you haven't, here is a nice summarization of the idea:

In 1963, Edward Lorenz made a presentation to the New York Academy of Sciences and was literally laughed out of the room. His theory, called the butterfly effect, stated that a butterfly could flap its wings and set air molecules in motion that, in turn, would move other air molecules–which would then move additional air molecules–eventually becoming able to influence weather patterns on the other side of the planet. For years this theory remained an interesting myth. In the mid 1990s, however, physics professors from several universities, working in tandem, proved that the butterfly effect was accurate, viable, and worked every time.

Interesting, yes? It sounds a little crazy. I can hear people saying, "oh come on, ONE butterfly flapping it's wings can influence weather patterns? psshh"

Andy Andrews point, in this book, is this: "Everything You Do Matters" And I support this idea, one hundred percent.

I think some of us, sadly, think we don't matter. We're going through the motions of day-to-day life, thinking that we don't make a difference in the world. I'm here to tell you that is false. We DO make a difference. It may not be on a large scale, it could be something as simple as saying hello with a smile to someone you pass in the hall at work. That person could have just received devastating news, and your hello might have softened the blow. Your smile might have reminded them that there are genuinely nice people in the world, and they deserve to have people like that in their life.

Last week at work I was helping a woman in New York via a chat system we use. I won't bore you with the work related details, they're not important. When I thought we were done, I was just about to close the chat window. She said one last thing to me: "I want to thank you very much for helping me today. Last night when I left work, I came upon an accident on my way home. I didn't know at the time, that it was my best friends daughter. She just graduated from high school. She didn't survive the accident. I've been completely unavailable today, making mistakes left and right as you might have deduced. But you helped me get through it. And for that I thank you, and I will never forget it"

Talk about humbling. I sat there and stared at my screen for a full minute or two before I could even respond. I didn't do much to help her, trust me on that. Or.....I thought I didn't.

"You have been created as one of a kind. On the planet Earth, there has never been one like you....and there never will be again. Your spirit, your thoughts and feelings, your ability to reason and act all exist in no one else. The rarities that make you special are no mere accident or quirk of fate. You have been created in order that you might make a difference. You have within you the power to change the world."

Yeah Andy, I hear you.

See you soon friend,

PS Don't ever fool yourself into thinking that you don't matter. We can discuss this over breakfast! Fruit Smoothie anyone?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

If we can get to the place where memories are made, we absolutely must do it

Fathers Day 2011. I don't love the fact that I'm not home with my family to celebrate my Dad today. I'm glad I can call and talk to them though, and see the pictures my sister was randomly texting me throughout the day.
I think I said it best when I wrote this blog post last year on Fathers Day . I'm lucky to have more than one Dad in my life. Yes, more than one.

When I was talking to my sister today we were getting really excited about the upcoming Florida trip for Christmas. I can't remember the last time my entire family was together in one house for the holidays. We decided to get Disney tickets, wrap them, and place them under the tree. Then when all of the kids opened them, we would say, "oh and by the way, we're leaving for The Magic Kingdom TODAY". How fun is that?

My sister has three kids so this trip has taken some planning already, given that they will drive from Missouri to Florida. My mom will travel with them, and extra hand around three kids is always welcome. I told her that I knew it would take some sacrifice and extreme patience for that long ride, but in the end, it would be worth it.

"We have to make things happen. If it takes sacrifice, and patience, and the choosing of "we're going to do this" so that we can get to the place where memories are made, we absolutely must do it" I said.

I started thinking about that. All of the times I've said no to different invitations, thinking, "Oh but that's expensive or, I won't have time for all of that", etc. I'm now wondering how many times I've missed out on that very destination I just spoke of. The place where memories are made.

Time is all we have. And it passes oh-so-quickly doesn't it? I think it's time to refocus a little bit. Instead of overthinking the invitation, just go.

Because around the corner that it may have taken some effort to get to.....lies....some fantastic memories in the making.

So yeah, I'm already looking forward to the holidays. I HEAR JINGLE BELLS all of a sudden!

Plus, my namesake will be there. Could YOU turn down this face? I can't.

See you soon friend,

PS Sara, I will call you periodically during that long drive, and sing to the kids, and quote a movie for Jeremy, and ask Mom about a childhood memory, just to refocus the thought of "oh my GOD are we there YET" thoughts. I promise. Incidentally, I'm making breakfast every morning for everyone. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is where I am, and you are with me.

I would like to also give honorable mention to my sister Melissa who is taking my entire family on for this visit. Don't worry, I'm bringing you wine and my sense of humor, this is going to be nothing short of fabulous Melly Mel. Oh, and tell Todd I'm hanging lights on everything. (seriously)

Monday, June 6, 2011

See....dreams really can come true

I've been tweeting lately about my dream home. It started out in a joking manner but I realized quickly that I'm actually not joking. I can't tell you exactly where this home is, but I can summarize the climate in two words: low humidity. Of course this is kind of a pipe dream because humidity isn't shy, it can pretty much show up anywhere. This want is stemming from surviving Dallas Augusts for several years now. I've learned to live with it, but it's not that enjoyable unless you're swimming. Or kayaking. Or on a boat to far off vacation destinations.......

I began with, my dream home will have a huge, screened-in, wrap-around porch. Honestly if the weather were right, I could have the whole house screened in. Who needs walls? In Hawaii, I loved how the hotels and some restaurants, even the airports, we're all open air. Not a lot of closed in walls. The openness of all of it, the laid back atmosphere, totally hooked me.

Then I started thinking about nature, and the animals. I want elephants and giraffes to roam the grounds. I'm serious! I could learn how to take care of them, or make sure the atmosphere provides what they need as far as food, and enjoyment too. They would be great friends!

And of course I want monkeys. I love them, and yes I know this is easy to say when I don't have to work at a zoo and take care of them. But I would teach every animal I have how to use their own facilities. All birds would be welcome. I love hearing them chirp, especially doves coo'ing.

I would have many rooms in this dream home, not because I need much, but because I want to have plenty of room for my family and friends to be comfortable. Who doesn't want to visit a home like this? I know if I build it, they will come.

I want to have a library full of my favorite books. And a way to watch my favorite movies, but aside from sports I can't think of a reason to need cable. I do have a few favorite t.v. shows, so this would have to taken under consideration. I would fill the house with little things I've collected on the way to a few places I've been lucky to be able to see so far. Paris......Hawaii.....Charleston.....Cocoa Beach.....LA (California)....S.Padre Island, even west Texas! There obviously would have to be some Missouri mixed in there, that's my hometown state. (it's also the Show-Me-State)

Growing a lot of my own food would be high on my list, so a garden would be really cool. And fruit trees. A few grapevines for wine, and could I even try to grow my own coffee beans? Hmmm.

I would be very busy with all of this. My thoughts then lead to, so where do I make myself useful and give back? Maybe I could have a stable of horses where low income children could visit for free and learn to ride. I would have to have help with that. I've ridden a horse maybe three times my entire life. But I could learn.

I could go on and on.....I've yet to decide what else I would want in this dream home. But I'm glad I'm writing this now. Someday, when I'm living in that home, I can look back at this post and say, "See....dreams really can come true"

What is one thing on your wish list? It can be extravagant. Dream BIG!

See you soon,

PS Breakfast would never be boring in a house like this. And most likely, it would be eaten outside. Every morning.