Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What has been going on lately?

I've heard that writing can be cathartic. Depending upon the intended goal, I've heard that writing can be difficult, because of the pressure we tend to place on ourselves. Short essays, long novels, poems, blog posts, shiny quotes stuck to bathroom mirrors, love notes.....can a shopping list be considered writing? ha! Well. I'm not sure about that.

I get very excited to see new books being published from my favorite famous authors, and also from authors that I actually know in real life. Self-publishing is the dawn of the new age and I am a big fan, if simply to have my friends have a vehicle available to them to get their stories out there, for the world to read.

I've mentioned before that I don't have a goal in mind with this tiny blog other than to have an online diary of sorts, to come back to, and read what I was thinking at the time. Apparently I did have a Scholastic Rock childhood, and I'm glad I wrote about it. http://momentsofapiphany.blogspot.com/2010/07/where-knowledge-is-power.html

Who wouldn't want to visit Conjunction Junction I ask you? But I won't go on and on about it here. If I want to remember it fondly, I'll just go back to my 2010 post.

There are times I have many things to say all at once, and other times where I'm sitting quietly with not much to say, both equally rewarding. Well, for me it is. The listener may grow tired of my babbling on the days filled with a hundred themes to discuss. I think I've learned how to be a good listener so hopefully the art of conversation skill is intact. At the prodding of a few friends, I realized that I haven't posted a blog since April, oh the horror. I don't mean to neglect my blog, it seems that life does get in the way often, seemingly without us realizing it.

So dear friend, what has been going on lately, you ask? Well let's see. Dallas didn't have much of a Winter, which quickly turned into Spring and Mother Nature's apparent wrath through the midwest. A group of friends and I went away for a weekend getaway to a cabin in the woods in April. It was so awesome, I've added this to my "must do again" list.
Those days looked like this:

Broken Bow, Oklahoma is the place to be, if you want to have such adventures. This is something I highly recommend for those that need serene downtime, with little internet exposure. Just the trees. And a campfire in the evenings.

The beginning of June brought a weeks vacation by the seaside. Pompano Beach, FL, and a short visit to my sister's house in Satellite Beach, FL;  both amazing photo-opportunity places if sunsets and sunrises over the ocean are your thing.

Those days looked like this:

When light hits the water, making it appear to resemble colored glass, I'm prone to take a hundred pictures of it. You lucky people that live near the shore, I hope you always treasure it.

I love flipping the calendar over to Jan 1 of each new year, and seeing it fill up with travel plans and get-together events with friends and family. If plans don't go awry I'll be home (Missouri) for July 4th, with more travel to come in October, New Orleans being the destination. My family decided that Nashville would be a great place to spend New Years so I'll ring in 2014 in Tennessee.

During the in between days you'll find me at work through the week and more than likely at the pool on the weekends. North Texas summertime can be brutal temp-wise so if I want to enjoy being outside, it's the only way to go. An air conditioned museum or theatre are other great ways to spend a hot summer afternoon. And then of course, my favorite: book stores!

Now that I've caught you up to speed on the happenings at Tiffany's, I hope your summer plans are firming up and you have a fabulous one!

Until next time,

PS Breakfast at Tiffany's has been dubbed "Berry Breakfast" of late, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are in full swing around here. Smoothie anyone?

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