I dreamed a better version of myself.
Today, I remembered the dream.
Tomorrow, I begin the revision to todays rough draft.
The day after tomorrow, I will revise again.
An eraser will not be used, but a red pen, gently slashing through what I was, so that I can see.
The day after that, begins the new revision of the day before.
I don't know when the final copy will be published. It is in the writing, and revising, that I live.
I'll make notes on the side of each paragraph, reminding me that things could be added, here and there.
But no erasing.
I dreamed a better version of myself.
I share a birthday with Vincent Van Gogh, who once said:
"I dream my paintings, then I paint my dreams"
That's what I'm doing my friend.
That's some lovely language there, sis!
=) thank you very much Felic
Beautiful! Magical! Yes yes yes!
Thank YOU for sharing.
I am amongst greatness with these comments =) thanks D
Truly beautiful.
Ah Seren, thank you =)
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