Sunday, June 23, 2019

"I'm totally adequate..."

Our whole childhood is filled with teaching moments, where, we hopefully grasp, and learn. I don't remember every single moment of my childhood. But I do remember always feeling content.

Logically, I know what matters in life. Relationships. Friendships. Family. Matters of the heart. What's *in* someone's heart. Memory-making moments that can only be created with time spent. Being present. Aware.

Especially with the given, that time stops for no one. The clock ticks away, whether you watch it, or not.

I've struggled most of my life with feelings of inadequacy. If you know me well, you know how difficult it was to type that sentence. I don't want to be someone's burden. And I definitely don't want to be the person bringing people down.

You see, my whole life I've watched people smile at me and react positively to things I say. This wasn't an act, let me make sure that's clear. My personality is to laugh first, at almost everything, and then bring anyone along for the ride that would benefit from the laughter. It's who I am.

What I've now come to understand and accept is, I'm totally adequate. It doesn't matter what I look like. How much I weigh. Where I live. What I drive. How much money I have. To those that genuinely love me, it does.not.matter.

This may sound small. Insignificant. I understand if it does. It's my story, not anyone else's.

But for me, this is monumental. I finally *get it*. I wish I could have come into my own acceptance, way before now.

But man I am sure glad that I'm finally here. I might be late to the party, but at least I showed. Right?

I hope you have already arrived at the place of acceptance. Because you matter.

If you ever need a reminder, visit me. I will remind you one hundred times over.

See you soon friend,

P.S. Breakfast at Tiffany's is so colorful these days: fresh raspberries, blackberries, blueberries....I love summertime. I hope your summer is fantastic so far 😁

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