Friday, April 2, 2010

The end of Innocence?

I immediately started humming the song by Don Henley/Bruce Hornsby but thats not what I'm writing about today. Although this line from the song, "Didn't have a care in the world" would absolutely fit.
Somehow one of my 90 mile per hour discussions with a best friend today led to the "remember when" and "what was your most favorite Christmas gift you received when you were growing up?"
I have a two word response for that question. Barbie. Dreamhouse. It had an elevator in it people!
I explained that I also had a Barbie townhome, so of course I hooked the two together, therefore having a makeshift Barbie Mansion. I placed them right next to the Christmas tree, and pretended that I had the biggest Christmas tree in the entire Barbie neighborhood. Of course the kitchen didn't have a "toy" oven in it, it had one painted on the inside of one of the townhome walls, where you could clearly see a painted apple pie in the oven. So the poor thing could only cook that one lone pie, over and over everyday. I KNOW she got tired of that. You really had to use your imagination playing with Barbies (since they can't talk), apparently MY imagination ran rampant from the time I got up in the morning to the time I went to bed (and still does at times). I think it's because my mom read to me a lot when I was growing up. I'm surprised kids today can't make a live doll with the way things are going, like in the movie "Weird Science". #quote "Making a girl. Actually making a girl. Like Frankenstein... except cuter" This would fall in the "and we'll be flying through Space like the Jetsons soon" statement.
I remember this particular Christmas so well, and I know my sister does too (hi Melissa) because she got a speed buggy. Oh how I wish I had that picture of her sitting in it <-------I'll get a phone call about this statement with possible death threats. =) She also got a Sit 'n Spin, we made ourselves so dizzy with that thing. How does one come up with genius ideas like that. "Hey, wouldn't it be fun to sit indian style on a sphere with a round handle in the middle so you could spin at high speeds until we fall over?!" YES! Lets do it!. (seriously?) We got sleeping bags that year too, I think we slept in the living room by the Christmas tree that night and for the entire week after Christmas.
Nostalgia at its best, remembering these things.

I dont think I'll ever see the end of innocence. I don't want to anyway. Yes we grow up, become adults, hopefully more mature than when we were younger, learning who we are and becoming the best version of ourselves if we're lucky. Those stepping stones of childhood, as we move along our paths, encountering different circumstances, are an absolute necessity in helping us reach our destination. I look back on them sometimes, and find myself grateful for them.
Whatever your story is, I hope you have favorite memories like these.

Four day weekend

 Have a great weekend, and a very happy Easter!

I'll see you soon,

Note to Sara: yes you were there, but you won't remember this Christmas, you were just a baby. =)

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