Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday 10

I'm doing the "these are a few of my favorite things" thing again. It's Saturday, I choose this day happily as my favorite day simply because it's comfortably sandwiched in between Friday, not a bad day in itself, and Sunday, still a day away from work but closer to it than Saturday.
Saturday, is like a blanket to me. The one you wrap yourself in, get comfortable, and read your favorite book. Nothing can touch you on Saturday, it's there for the taking, the "I get to do whatever I want" day.

I'll begin with that.

My 10 favorite things this week:

1: Saturdays! You'll find me at the pool today, I love you Dallas spring weather! Hold me.
2: Knowing that my house will be full of friends tonight. It's game night at Tiffany's, a not intentioned, fast becoming ritual that sprung out of nowhere. LOVE.
3: Twitter. You're often times inspiring, a lot of the time hilarious, always connecting to cool people, social media outlet that I've grown to love.
4: Purchased plane tickets to far off island destinations. Aloha! That trip can't get here fast enough. Dear Hawaii, I'll be kind. I can't speak for my travel mates, who may take advantage of your generous nature.
5: Starbucks. I can't ever quit you, my love. We may grow into different people along the way, but we'll always be together, discussing life while the hot water drips through ground coffee beans through a paper filter, into my cup. Friends for life we are.
6: Sleeping In. Because I can. No alarm clock, just waking to the sound of a dove cooing outside my window. I enjoy this every weekend lately, what with this warm Dallas weather. Windows open, I feel like I wake up in some sort of paradise.
7: Friends that care so much they go out of their way. I had a yucky day at work Thursday. Just a PLEASE LET ME GO kind of day. Friday, a coworker and awesome friend brought me a book, a lovely card, and a way cool coffee mug with my favorite Alice in Wonderland '10 quotes on it. Just because she noticed my Thursday sucked, she made my Friday fabulous. Can you say grateful? (thank you Melanie, you rock)
8: Unexpected phone calls from old friends. I love this.
9: Going to sleep knowing I did my best. This is more powerful than most realize. If you know you tried, gave the day your all, do you sleep like a baby? I do. This is that "at the end of the day" cliche. I like.
10: Quotes. No matter the source. It could be a favorite movie, a book, a celebrity, a poet....I love them.

"When you can live forever what do you live for" — Stephenie Meyer

What's your top ten this week?

Enjoy your 2nd weekend of April 2010,

PS Haunted Elevator, I haven't forgotten. It's just creepy! I've been taking notes too. Share soon.


Sara said...

1. Impromptu parades being held by sisters playing in the backyard, with a wagon, a throne, and American flags.
2. Brand new baby niece, Andi Olivia, whom Julia calls "Livvi".
3. Beautiful weather allowing me to wear a skirt & sandals for the first time in months.
4. A clean garage, even if it is filled with 4, count 'em FOUR, 3wheelers.
5. A semi truck parked in my driveway all weekend while being tweaked and prepared for income-providing work.
6. Julia being fascinated with my newly painted toenails (for aforementioned sandals): "you painted 'oar' toenails, Mom?!"
7. Surprising my sisters with new pics of the urchins, hunting eggs, coloring eggs, whatnot...
8. A Minnie Mouse dress and matching bow patiently waiting in the closet for a certain someone's 3rd birthday.
9. Jared's enthusiasm for "MAP" testing this week - "we get to take our shoes off and eat lunch early and have snacks!"
10. Kirstie Alley's Big Life - I'm not kidding! Jeremy and I both like to watch this! Among other crazy reality shows: Gene Simmons Family Jewels being one - Why? Why do I like this? And 16 & Pregnant? I convince myself that one's for the sociological perspective...

Anonymous said...

I want to pull Jewels in her "dragon" =) and paint her toenails PINK, and do Jenna's hair, and watch Jared write a speech for when he runs for office (lol) and reality shows? those you have listed I don't know-but Survivor? I plan my life around it. Im just sayin.